It's March and many of us are thinking about enjoying the beach. All too often what we find on the shoreline is plastic waste: either left behind by previous visitors or washed up from litter that floats in the ocean. One of the most common plastic items is plasticware from beach picnics. Some of that litter doesn't reach the beach. Divers who have explored Belize's "Blue Hole" have found an enormous amount of litter swirling in its depths. Consider purchasing bamboo dinnerware and utensils to take with you on outings - then take them back home for your next picnic. Bamboo is washable and biodegradable, and we'll be raffling a set of bamboo dinnerware at an upcoming meeting!
Ospreys have made a global comeback thanks to human conservation efforts! Many of us who live near navigable waters are familiar with osprey nests on platforms that also serve as channel markers. Read how well this has worked to bring ospreys back from the brink of extinction at EarthSky news.